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Just last night in our local club tourney, I was ahead in a game and
started thinking about the cube, when I noticed a 2-cube was still sitting
on my side of the board from the previous game.
As the trailer in the 7 pt match at that point, I certainly had an
advantage with cube ownership and the ability to send it over on 4.
I brought it to my opponent's attention and we agreed the cube should be
centered, but following the other discussion in this thread, would I have
been right to keep the 2-cube since the game had gone more than 5 turns?
Daniel Murphy writes:
Since you and your opponent agree that there had never been a double in
this game, the cube should be replaced in the middle.
Placement of the doubling cube in the wrong place or the wrong level is not
an "error in setup" which cannot be corrected after five rolls, or an
"illegal play" that cannot be corrected after one roll. There is another
rule that applies. In the US it is US Rule 5.2.
5.2 CUBE SETUP. It is the responsibility of both players to see that the
doubling cube begins each game centered with the "64" side face up. In
the event of a dispute, the current position and level of the cube will
strongly influence Director's ruling. Exception: the cube may be removed
during the Crawford game (see Rule 5.5)."
A published interpretation of the similar Danish Rule is on point:
Rule Paragraph: 4.4.1 It is both players' responsibility that the
doubling cube is centered with the "1" or "64" side face up at the start
of each game.
Interpretation: If the doubling cube is not replaced in the middle after
a completed game, and a new game is begun, the doubling cube shall be
placed in the middle as soon as the players become aware of the error.
Under Rule 4.4.1 it is both players' responsibility that the doubling
cube is centered at the beginning of each game; therefore neither player
shall take advantage of an error in placing the cube. As soon as one
player becomes aware of the mistaken placing, he shall make his opponent
aware of the error, after which the error shall be corrected.
Translation is mine and rough, but close enough.
- Checker knocked off bar (Chuck Bower+, Sept 2003)
- Clock rules and gin positions (Chris Yep+, Dec 2007)
- Clock rules end of turn (Jason Lee+, Dec 2007)
- Cocked dice (Rodney Lighton+, July 2012)
- Cocked dice (Ed Rosenblum+, Dec 2009)
- Cocked dice (Chuck Bower+, July 2003)
- Cocked die on first roll (Cloyd Laporte+, Nov 2006)
- Crawford game double (Øystein Johansen+, June 2004)
- Crawford game double (Joe+, May 2004)
- Crawford game double (Raccoon+, Sept 2003)
- Crawford game double (Claes Thornberg+, Apr 1998)
- Dice sliding (Chris Yep+, Dec 2007)
- Disagreement on final cube (Chuck Bower+, May 2004)
- Disagreement over cocked dice (DeaconBlue+, May 2005)
- Disputed roll (Roland Scheicher+, Mar 2004)
- Disputed roll (Chuck Bower+, Mar 2000)
- Doubling to wrong value (Stein Kulseth+, Nov 1998)
- Equipment changes (Jason Lee+, Feb 2004)
- Error in setup (Stick+, Dec 2007)
- Incorrect setup (Ken+, Mar 2004)
- Kibitzing (Ilia Guzei+, Feb 2006)
- Misplaced cube (Ned Cross+, Mar 2004)
- Misplacing a checker off the board (Sam Pottle+, Apr 2006)
- Misplacing a checker on the bar (Jeb Horton, Dec 2002)
- Moving checkers before you roll (Gregg Cattanach+, Mar 2006)
- Moving with two hands (Jason Lee+, Jan 2011)
- Opening roll loser picks up his die (Chuck Bower+, Oct 2007)
- Playing to wrong match length (Klaus Evers+, Jan 2006)
- Playing to wrong match length (Marty Storer+, Mar 2005)
- Playing to wrong match length (Steve Mellen, Feb 1998)
- Playing wrong opponent (Hank Youngerman+, Oct 2005)
- Premature actions (Raccoon+, Feb 2008)
- Premature roll (Chris Yep+, Dec 2007)
- Repositioning dice without notice (Chuck Bower+, Oct 2007)
- Rerolling cocked dice too quickly (Raccoon+, Nov 2006)
- Rolling 2 dice instead of 1 to start (Bob Koca+, Oct 2007)
- Rolling when opponent is closed out (Raccoon+, Nov 2006)
- Rolling wrong dice (TarHeelFan+, Sept 2005)
- Taking photos of positions (Stick+, Dec 2007)
- Touching the doubling cube (Ken Bame+, Nov 2006)
- Touching the doubling cube (Chuck Bower+, Apr 1998)
- Two cubes on the board (Jason Lee+, July 2005)
- Video dispute resolution (Jason Lee+, Feb 2006)
- When are the dice "up"? (Ilia Guzei+, Feb 2006)
- Writing down positions (Klaus Evers+, Jan 2006)
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