Hello fibsters,
I wrote two utilities for FIBS and i want to distribute them. The tools are
able to record (rfibs) own games and watched games and to replay (sfibs) them.
I observe a lot of discussions about interesting positions in this group.
With 'rfibs' and 'sfibs' it is possible to extract special positions played
on FIBS (or even a whole game) and to comment it.
I am interested in a collection of good and interesting games, commented or
not, to improve my own playing. If someone wants to get these utilities
for collecting and sharing some games, too, the address of our ftp-server is:
File: pub/spitz/bg/bg.tar.gz
Below I give a short description of the two tools:
Hope to find much interest for my work and many good games,
Jan (hotspot on FIBS)
Version 26th August 94:
Any bug reports, comments ... etc.
rfibs [<record file>] [-c]
'rfibs' records games played on FIBS and filters the textual output.
Therefore the setting boardstyle must be set to 3 and the stdout of FIBS
must be piped through 'rfibs'. The correct call for 'rfibs' is: 'telnet
<...> | rfibs
Two additional FIBS-commands are available with 'rfibs':
- bstyle <b>: switches the board display. Additional board displays can be
created and added in the source 'boards.c' and 'fibs.h'. <b> currently
ranges from 0 to 1.
- switch: switches the player and the board.
- recinit: stops recording of the actual game.
- comment <comment>: A comment is inserted into the record file.
Every started, resumed or watched game will be stored in <record file>. Every
talk of the players or watchers will be included in the game as a comment.
The argument '-c' suppresses recording the talks as comments.
The created file has the same syntax like the output of the FIBS-command
The prompt '>' is missing
Prompts for login and password are missing, too.
sfibs { <gamefile> [-g] | -p } [-y<b>] [-s]
'sfibs' shows a recorded game given in <gamefile>. The gamefile can be created
with 'rfibs' or with the FIBS-command 'oldmoves'.
Argument '-g' suppresses interaction: The whole game is printed.
Argument '-y' gives the boardstyle. The available boardstyles are the same as
in 'rfibs'.
Argument '-s' puts player O on the downside. Default is player X on the
Argument '-p' doesn't show a game. It enables the user to create and to
print his own positions.
'rfibs' and 'sfibs' are given in the following files: