Position 52, page 82
From Backgammon, the Cruelest Game, by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

White to play 6-1.

The correct play is to contradict all our principles and to bear one man off the 6 point and another off the 1 point, leaving two blots. It is not played this way because white wants to be hit. It is just that it is very much to white’s advantage to be hit if black rolls a 6 or a 1.

Were the blot on the 6 point not there, and black rolled a 6, the game would be virtually over, since black would be a prohibitive favorite in this position. But if the blot on the 6 point is hit, white has an additional opportunity of coming in and hitting black again as he comes around to his home board. More importantly, if black now rolls a 1 without an accompanying 4 or 5 or 6, he will have to break his position in his inner board with any 1, 2, or 3, thereby giving white the unexpected opportunity of being able to capture all three of black’s men and winning the game easily. Lastly, if black fails to roll either a 6 or a 1, then white is two men nearer victory.

6/off, 1/off  *
Not: 6/off, 6/5
XG logo
Tom Keith 2013 
Money play
White owns 2-cube
White rolls 6-1

1296 games with VR
Checker play: 3-ply
Cube play: XG Roller

6-1: Game BG   Equity
1 6/off, 1/off W
−0.4897 x  *
2 6/off, 3/2 W
−0.5980 (0.1083) 
3 6/5, 6/off W
−0.6087 (0.1190)  Not
4 6/off, 4/3 W
−0.6182 (0.1285) 
5 6/off, 5/4 W
−0.6186 (0.1289) 

Previous Position
No. 51, page 81
Next Position
No. 53, page 84

List of Positions from Backgammon, the Cruelest Game

Backgammon, the Cruelest Game (1974), by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Backgammon Galore : Books