Position 31, page 42
From Backgammon, the Cruelest Game, by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Black to play 6-5.

Since white’s bar point is blocked, black cannot run one man from white’s 1 point out to white’s 12 point as he would normally do. It is best, therefore, to move two men down from white’s 12 point to black’s 8 and bar points.

Do not move one man from white’s 12 point down to black’s 2 point. It accomplishes nothing, and since black must gamble in this situation, it would be best for him to place a blot on his bar point, since it is more valuable to secure if not hit.

13/8, 13/7  *
Not: 13/2
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Tom Keith 2013 
Money play
Centered cube
Black rolls 6-5

1296 games with VR
Checker play: 3-ply
Cube play: XG Roller

6-5: Game BG   Equity
1 13/8, 13/7 W
−0.3289 x  *
2 13/2 W
−0.4114 (0.0825)  Not

Previous Position
No. 30, page 41
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No. 32, page 43

List of Positions from Backgammon, the Cruelest Game

Backgammon, the Cruelest Game (1974), by Barclay Cooke and Jon Bradshaw

Backgammon Galore : Books